Joliet Family Photographer - Tomasik Family

Being out and about during a family photo shoot is very freeing  for me. I love being outdoors when the weather is right (call me crazy, right?). So when I get the honor of photographing a family I immediately suggest doing the shoot outdoors. Being outside gives us the ability to move around and get several looks in a small space.

Here's a family portrait session I did here in Joliet and the weather was just perfect - hot out in the sun and percent in the shade. So of course all of the photos are in the shade :)

My many thanks to the Tomasik family for inviting me over and allowing me to spend some time with them this beautiful afternoon. Thanks guys!

Mother's Day Family Portraits

I always get excited around Mother's Day because it means one thing in my mind - family portraits! I get to set-up my light modifiers and strobes and take get all photo-geeked out. I hope that my family has as much fun as I do. This was the 2nd year I've had the opportunity to work with the Vineyard Church of DuPage and take family portraits for members of their church. We had a perfect day this year and were allowed to shoot outdoors. Below are  just a few from that day. My many thanks to Stephanie and the rest of the families for having me. Thanks!
